


October 19 - 20 | 11:00 A.M. | Memorial United Methodist Church

ATX Theatre, your theatregoing hub, is back again with the sassiest Costume Extravaganza and Thrift Sale in Austin which benefits more than 80 local non-profit theatre companies and upcycles costuming/wardrobe from television and theatre productions!


Save the date: Saturday and Sunday, Oct 19-20 11 AM to 5 PM.


Thanks to Memorial United Methodist Church for hosting us! The costume sale is in the gym at the very back of the church parking lot. The address is 6100 Berkman Dr., Austin, TX 78723.


Last year we had 12 racks of costumes. This year so far we have more than 50 racks of premium costumes, designer clothing and bags, vintage pieces, coats and jackets, armor, renaissance wear, sci-fi clothing, amazing accessories, hats, shoes, with more donations coming in all the time. And that is before theatre companies join us — including Austin Shakespeare, The Archive Theater, and Salvage Vanguard so far.

We’ll have local theatrical costumers on hand to help you curate your perfect look and onsite alterations available for an extra charge.

We’ll have a rack of free costume pieces and clothing as a way to give back to our community.

Come by and shop and find out about the radical variety of local theatre in Austin.

Snacks and drinks for sale to give you energy while you shop.

There will be mirrors to try on costumes but no dressing rooms so wear an underlayer.

If you would like to donate costumes, clothing, or accessories to benefit the local community please contact info@atxtheatre.org.

If you are a local theatre company who would like to show up and sell your excess stock and keep the proceeds, please contact us to get signed up.

SEE YOU ON OCTOBER 19th & 20th!

Note: you won't have to present your ticket at the door. All are welcome. But if you sign up, we'll send you a reminder about the sale the day before! : )


Event Details

Ticket Information

  • Cost: Free with RSVP

Presenter Details

  • Name: ATX Theatre
  • While seeing shows qualifies you as a theatre lover, there are other ways to be a bona fide part of the ATX Theatre scene. Step one is to join this site for FREE so you get our weekly theatre guide in your inbox on Wednesdays.

    You’re in the right place to meet fabulous people such as local playwrightingtheatre design and acting talents you’ll want to follow, plus Austin theatre’s greatest champions and hidden heroes! You can find ways to get involved as a LOYAL LOCAL partner business! And be sure to check our local providers of theatre training — for beginners on up to pros.

    Remember seeing your first show? Make sure EVERY child gets to experience that by helping us boost accessibility through ATX Theatre Youngsters! This program offers name or business sponsorship recognition to show your community that you care about young people and the arts.
    ATX Theatre is all about making space for partnerships between theatremakers and individuals, families, businesses, arts organizations, civic leaders, and theatre lovers to grow. Contact us, and let’s brainstorm about how we might collaborate to make living in Austin more play-full. Coffee?

Venue Details

  • Address: 6100 Berkman Dr
  • City: Austin
  • State: TX
  • Zip: 78723