N.b. All selections come from Evensong for St. Andrew’s Day. The Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer, dir. Rupert Gough, organ. Griffen CD GCCD 4071.
Calling Bell
Opening Voluntary: Charles Stanford—Prelude No. 5 in G, Op. 101
Introit: Charles Stanford—Justorum animae
Welcome and Preces: Bernard Rose
Psalm: James Turle—Psalm 149
Psalm: Charles Stanford—Psalm 150.
First Lesson: Zechariah 8:20.
Office Hymn: E.H. Thorne—Jesus calls us! o’er the tumult (St. Andrew)
Magnificat: Edmund Rubbra—Evening Service in A-Flat
Second Lesson: John 1:35.
Nunc Dimittis: Edmund Rubbra—Evening Service in A-Flat
Apostles’ Creed
Responses: Bernard Rose
Hymn: Henry Smart, descant and Amen by Malcolm Archer—Light’s abode, celestial Salem (Regent Square)
Blessing by the Dean
Voluntary: Charles Stanford—Fantasia and Toccata, Op. 57.
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